Help Make Sure All Kids Are TERRIFIC KIDS
Terrific Kids is a character-building program that recognizes students for modifying their behavior. The program encourages kids to become the best version of themselves. Kids determine what being terrific means to them, then develop their own goals and use peer mentoring to hold themselves accountable for the actions they take each week. When a participant achieves their goal, her or she is recognized for being a Terrific Kid.
Read Around The World
Open a child’s mind to reading—all year long! Every child should experience the joy of reading. Kiwanis’ Read Around the World program focuses on sharing the joy of books with young children—from reading with them to providing books they can have of their very own.
The goal of this program is to assist all students in becoming good writers, active readers, creative thinkers, and resourceful learners by providing them with their own personal dictionary. The dictionaries are a gift to each student to use at school and at home for years to come. Educators see third grade as the dividing line between learning to read and reading to learn, so we encourage our sponsors to give dictionaries each year to children in the third grade.